Festival of Better Learning and Teaching

Extend your knowledge on strategic educational planning, future curriculum development and data interpretation at the Festival of Better Learning and Teaching.

Date October 10, 2015 - October 10, 2015
Time 9:00am - 3:30pm

Held on Saturday 10 October at St Catherine’s School, Toorak, the Festival will feature three keynote addresses from leading industry experts Professor Darrell Evans, Vice-Provost Learning and Teaching, Monash University, Professor Beverley Oliver, Vice-Chancellor Education, Deakin University and Professor Gregor Kennedy, Pro-Vice Chancellor Educational Innovation, University of Melbourne.

Centred on the themes ‘better learning and teaching’, ‘futures learning’ and ‘learning analytics’ the one day event also includes learning workshops and thought provoking peer-led discussions.

The Festival is open to all education representatives from principals, school leaders and teachers to business managers and academics.

For further information or to register go to www.stcatherines.net.au/festivaloflearningandteaching

17 Heyington Pl, Toorak