March 4, 2015 - March 4, 2015
12:00am - 12:00am
Are you a teacher who would like to:
- Learn more about environmental issues how to introduce your students to these topics through the curriculum?
- Share environmental education experiences with other teachers?
- Do you want to help your school become more sustainable?
- Do you need help with your Schools Environmental Management Plan?
Council has established Hornsby Environment Network for Schools (HENS), a networking group for teachers from all schools within the Hornsby Shire.
Council, along with DET and local schools facilitate regular workshops (one per term) on environmental issues such as:
- Recycling
- Composting
- Worm farming
- Bush care
- Rainwater tanks
- Youth
- Sustainability
- Council's new school food garden program, Ready Set Grow.
The workshops are run after school and offer an informal setting for learning, chatting and networking with other teachers, guest speakers and Council staff.
For more information about HENS please contact Kerry Euers on (02) 9847 4889 (Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays) or email keuers@hornsby.nsw.gov.au.
New South Wales