If you are teaching Health and Physical Education within the primary sector, this event has been tailored to meet your specific teaching needs.
ACHPER Victoria is the professional body representing all HPE educators. We have collaborated with industry professionals in HPE to create a professional development program that will help you develop strategies you can implement in your school.
Our 2016 Primary Health and Physical Education Conference program has 21 workshops and practical sessions over THREE time-slots. You will be able to choose topics that best suit your needs including:
- Aquatics
- Body Image
- Fundamental Movement Skills
- Game Sense
- Gymnastics, Dance and Rhythm
- ICT in PE
- Nutrition
- Outdoor Education
- Planning and Assessment
The conference has been designed to provide all participants the opportunity to connect with likeminded HPE teachers and create new networks for collaboration and support. Be inspired – join our community and come away with strategies to deliver dynamic Health and Physical Education programs.
Primary School Physical Education: Under-Prioritised And Our Children Pay The Price
Prof Dick Telford, AM PhD, High Performance Coach, Athletics Australia
A physically literate child possesses the competence, confidence and motivation to enjoy physical recreation and sport; and inadequate physical literacy creates increased risk to
psychological, social and physical well-being. The Australian Lifestyle of our Kids (LOOK) study is the most comprehensive, randomised controlled trial of primary school physical
education conducted to date world-wide.
Professor Richard Telford was Australia’s first full time sports scientist and a Foundation Fellow of the Australian Sports Medicine Federation. He currently coaches Australia’s two best marathon runners, and some of our emerging middle distance runners. He is also Research Director of the Lifestyle of our Kids (LOOK) project through his Professorial appointments at the University of Canberra and the Australian National University. This project concentrates on the effect of lifestyle, particularly physical activity, sport and physical education, on the development and well-being of our children.
He is a Fellow of both the American College of Sports Medicine and Sports Medicine Australia; awarded an Order of Australia in 1992; and in 2014 he was named Australian Athletics Coach of the Year and inducted into the Australian Sporting Hall of Fame.
Body Image and Wellbeing Education in Primary Schools
Dr Zali Yager, Senior Lecturer, College of Education, Victoria University
Body image is one of the main concerns among boys and girls today. Primary schools are in a unique position to influence the body image of children before issues arise. This engaging presentation will focus on a range of evidence based practical lesson ideas aimed towards improving body image in young children. Important actions that teachers and schools can take towards adopting a Health Promoting Schools approach to promoting positive body image and improving wellbeing will also be outlined.
Dr Zali Yager has research expertise in the school-based promotion of positive body image. She has evaluated programs designed to improve body image, and prepared teachers to be able to incorporate these resources into their class and school. Zali recently spent a year at the Centre for Appearance Research at the University of the West of England as a Leverhulme Postdoctoral Fellow, and has been the co-chair of the Body Image and Prevention Special Interest Group at the Academy for Eating Disorders (2010-2013). Zali has previously served on the Board of ACHPER Victoria and is a strong advocate for the teaching profession.
ACHPER Members $195 including GST
NON ACHPER Members $250 including GST