York Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago
York Public School has a current enrolment of 568 students, including 38 Aboriginal students, 49 students from a non-English speaking background and a support unit catering for students with a disability. It has strong relationships with the parent community and is well connected to local community services. It is known as having a welcoming, accepting school environment. The school priorities are: Innovation; Aspiration; Impact. Positive Behaviour for Learning is embedded in school practices and supports the wellbeing of all students. The school is included in the Bump It Up strategy to increase achievement in reading and numeracy. There are extensive extra-curricular opportunities provided which are valued by students, parents and staff.


02 47316577
02 47217522
230 Evan St
Penrith South
New South Wales
230 Evan St
