Yoogali Public School is a small school located in Yoogali village on the outskirts of Griffith in the Riverina. Yoogali PS is a member of the Griffith Community of Schools. The school currently has an enrolment of 44 children with an anticipated enrolment of 37 in 2024. 16% of students identify as being Aboriginal. The school currently has two multistage classrooms K-2 and 3-6. Our students are from diverse cultural backgrounds and faiths including Thai, Filipino, Ukrainian, Tongan, Italian and Indian. The school strives to provide a happy, safe and nurturing environment with high expectations and challenges for all students.
The school serves a vibrant and hard-working community who partner with the school. A committed staff maintain current evidence-based classroom teaching practices with a focus on improving student learning outcomes for all.
This position commences in term1 2024.