Yeoval Central School

School / Last updated 3 years, 1 month ago

Yeoval Central School is a comprehensive K-12 school with 91 enrolments. 31% of students identify as Aboriginal. We are proudly located on Wiradjuri land. Our stated values of respect, responsibility and cooperation permeate throughout our school. The school's vision is to inspire all to be responsible, respectful and cooperative learners, working together to achieve and grow.

We collaborate with other schools to enhance our curriculum offerings, sharing students and expert teachers in Stage 6 with Peak Hill, Tottenham, Trundle and Tullamore Central Schools as part of the Western Access Program. School-based apprenticeships and traineeships have had proven success with students completing Year 12. Wiradjuri language and Stage 5 electives are examples of an expansive curriculum available in such a small school. An alternative curriculum model exists in Stage 4 with an emphasis on project-based learning. K-6 students  are encouraged to be self-reliant, resilient and autonomous learners.

Our expectations of learning and behaviour are high, ensuring all students strive to achieve their personal learning goals. Support structures include Year Advisors, Transition Advisor, Wellbeing Leader, Youth Worker, Learning and Support Teachers, and a School Counsellor. Teachers support each other in the areas of technology, literacy, numeracy, and evidence-based teaching practices.

The school provides social and emotional support through our Wellbeing model, encompassing resilience training and Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL). We have a strategic and holistic approach to wellbeing supported by our Wellbeing Leader, Year Advisors, Youth Worker and School Counsellor. There are strong links with Allied Health providers for individual students. The Yeoval Central School Wellbeing model also provide support for our local families and the wider community.

Our excellent facilities include an upgraded administration area, large Primary classrooms, a Trade Training Centre for Manufacturing and Engineering, a commercial kitchen space, a fully equipped gym, an Agricultural farm, an undercover multipurpose court, and large playgrounds with two fixed play equipment areas. Our Learning Centre is a flexible space adapted to facilitate activities that encourage creative and critical thought. We have a robust wireless network, and students support the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program, using collaborative learning tools to complement their learning.

After extensive consultation with the school community in 2020, the 2021-2024 Strategic Improvement Plan will focus on:

  • improving student growth and attainment by building staff capacity in data analysis and high impact teaching strategies
  • wellbeing and engagement practices, that allows all members of our school community to connect and thrive

Our aspirational targets embed our high expectations as we proudly celebrate the learning that occurs within and outside the classroom. Staff, students and community at Yeoval Central School are working together to inspire, learn and achieve.

02 68464004
02 68464317
8 Obley St
New South Wales
8 Obley St
