Yanco Public School

School / Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago

Yanco Public School is located on Wiradjuri land at the 'gateway' of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (MIA) close to the major township of Leeton. The school is a member of the Leeton Community of Public Schools (LCOPS). The student enrolment of 53, including 15 Aboriginal students or Torres Strait Islander has remained steady over recent years.

Yanco Public School strives to ensure students are valued and supported in an inclusive learning environment. The school culture prioritises explicit quality educational experiences and has high expectations for all students.

The school provides a safe, caring and challenging learning environment focused on student-centred learning programs responsive to the needs of the individual students and the school community. Yanco Public School is committed to strengthening the local partnership with the Leeton AECG (Aboriginal Education Consultative group) to provide an inclusive learning environment.

The school is led by a Teaching Principal who is supported by six teachers including a learning and support teacher, School Learning and Support Officers, a School Administration Manager, a part time School Chaplain and a General Assistant. 

An Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction enables the school to provide tiered interventions and differentiation in learning, focusing on literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students. The school is working closely with the community to develop priorities in improving student literacy and numeracy outcomes, ensuring that quality teaching underpins practice in all classrooms and enhancing parent and community participation in the school. Developing positive student welfare programs and increasing the engagement of the school community is a high priority at Yanco Public School. 

02 69557162
02 69557477
Main Ave
New South Wales
2-8 Cudgel St
