Wyong Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago

Wyong Public School has 475 students (20% ATSI and 18êLD). We currently have 20 classes which include two Opportunity Classes and Support Classes (ED / MC) with another MC class to begin in 2020. The school has an instructional leader who works in the K-2 area and a HALT (Highly Accomplished/Lead Teacher) who supports professional learning K-6.


The school has a focus on quality teaching and learning to improve student learning outcomes. Wyong is involved in local and NSW PSSA sporting knockouts, as well as dance, choir and musical activities on the Central Coast and broader Sydney area.


Wyong Public School is committed to Positive Behaviour for Learning. High expectations of student academic achievement are evident as well as successful enrichment programs such as Children’s University, Chess, Robotics tournaments and ICAS Competition, Newcastle Permanent Mathematics and Maths Olympiad.


Wyong is part of the local Wyong Learning Community and is a proud member of the Local Ngara AECG. The school works closely in partnership with the SACC (Schools as Community Centre) on our school site.


02 43521301
02 43512885
52 Cutler Dr
New South Wales
52 Cutler Dr
