Wyndham Public School is a small, vibrant school with a current enrolment of 20 students (5% Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander). It is situated in the high country of the Bega Valley Shire, 30 kms from Pambula. The school has a dedicated and enthusiastic staff and supportive local community.
Wyndham Public School provides a quality, future focused, education for all students in a safe and caring environment, developing individual potential so that they may lead productive and successful lives. The school has an ongoing commitment to the achievement of excellence, where a culture of learning is valued by all.
The school is well resourced with an active Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden and Music programs. Staff are committed to providing opportunities for all students across a broad range of aspects, including academic, sporting, cultural and citizenship.
The school is a member of the Far South Coast Small Schools Network currently undertaking a project to engage community through STEM. Wyndham Public School is also an active member of the Sapphire Coast Learning Community for Public Schools. The school has a small and dedicated Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C).