World of Maths

Incursion / Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago

Hands-on maths roadshow that comes to your school. Our fun problem solving incursion is suitable for primary & lower secondary students (prep to Yr 8)

World of Maths runs a hand-on problem solving roadshow that comes to schools.  We bring 17 large pieces of equipment that the children work on in small groups, covering a wide variety of mathematical issues, involving students from prep up to Yr 8.

Students are kept fully occupied in small groups, all students are not just shown they are fully involved - it is very much a hands-on incursion.  They have the time & freedom to pusue the problems themselves.  As the Chinese Proverb says - "Tell me & I forget, show me & I remember, involve me & I understand"

Acitivites cover all aspects or Mathematical concepts, numbers, space, measurement, structure & working mathematically. There is a strong emphasis on problem solving

We are in the school the whole day doing 2 - 3 sessions, involving up to 200 students a day.  Some schools will involve the whole school, which may take 2 - 3 days, others decide to involve certain year levels only, depending on other activities happening that year.

Each year we have a different set of equipment & schools can book on a regular basis, in the knowledge that the students get different problems to solve each year.

A popular thing to do is have a parent evening after the day, this gets parents & carers involved with their children's education & is also great for the children to feel engaged with their parents (and watch them try the problems before they help!)

We understand that funding for incursions & excursions in schools is tight & each cent has to be truly justified.
World of Maths is a fun as well as educational incursion; we come to your school so there is less disruption; all children are involved & join in. - it is not a show & tell incursion it is very much hands on

We tackle a subject that some children can find difficult or not exciting & can often switch off from.  Maths is all around us every day & it is so vital that it is enjoyed to ensure life is enjoyed.

Our ideas & concept are simple, but these are some of the best ones.

World of Maths - Victoria
1800 634 218
PO Box 29
