Wongarbon Public School

School / Last updated 3 years, 12 months ago

Wongarbon Public School is located in a rural setting, approximately 20km from Dubbo in the Central West. Wongarbon Public School has an enrolment of 58 students, 25% identifying as Aboriginal, is a small rural, village school, well resourced, with a committed staff, supportive community and an extended curriculum and extra-curriculum to broaden student experiences, opportunities and skill level. As a 21st Century school it has embedded digital technologies to support student learning and engagement. The recent purchase of class sets of iPads and connection to Wi–Fi and classroom smart boards will further enhance and support this key learning. In embracing the philosophy of every child, every opportunity, the school caters for the needs of all students, developing individual, personalised programs where required. Wongarbon Public School is an inclusive school that celebrates the success of each individual by fostering a positive and caring learning environment where effort and success are celebrated.

02 68878242
02 68878435
28 Railway St
New South Wales
28 Railway St
