Wiripaang Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago

The Assistant Principal Learning and Support (APLAS) position is based at Wiripaang Public School which is a K-6 school, situated in the suburb of Gateshead in the city of Lake Macquarie. Of the school's 220 students in 2020, 37% identified as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. Wiripaang Public School has 11 classes, 8 mainstream and 3 within a Support Unit. The Support Unit consists of a Moderate and Severe Intellectual Disability (IO/IS) class, a Mild Intellectual Disability (IM) class and a Multi Categorical (MC) class. The school services a complex, low socioeconomic community and has a strong focus on high expectations with an ongoing commitment to improving educational outcomes for all of its students and staff.

The APLAS will support schools K - 12 in the Glenrock Network to provide direct and timely assistance to students with additional learning and support needs and their teachers. Many of these students come from diverse cultural, linguistic and socio-economic backgrounds. The Disability Standards for Education 2005 provides the context for the role and activities of the APLAS. Emphasis on the role of the APLAS will reflect school and regional priorities and programs that support students with additional learning and support needs in schools. The role will be underpinned by a collaborative and consultative approach so that the student and/or their parent or caregiver are actively involved in the student’s education.

Pacific Hwy
New South Wales
Pacific Hwy
Gateshead, New South Wales, Australia
