Wingham Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago

Wingham Public School has an enrolment of 300 students, including16% Aboriginal students

The school structure consists of 13 classes. The Early Action for Success (EAfS) initiative is embedded in the schools core business with the ongoing employment of an Instructional Leader and Intervention teacher. The school embraces Visible Learning and students are encouraged to be active participants in this pedagogy. Instructional Leadership is embedded in the school to develop the capacity of staff. The school has developed a range of quality programs to meet the needs of the students including; Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), a comprehensive Aboriginal language and cultural program, a school wide health and physical education program, a structured social skills program and a Student Representative Council. The team of dedicated staff, including early career, experienced teachers and support staff, deliver highly effective teaching and  learning programs.

02 65534186
02 65570162
Murray Rd
New South Wales
113 Murray Rd
