Windellama Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago

Windellama Public School (TP2) located in the Queanbeyan Network of Schools. Windellema Public School has a current enrolment of 37 students K-6, including 8% of students who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

Windellama Public School is located in the village of Windellama in a peaceful rural setting surrounded by farmland. Windellema is in a great location situated 35 kilometres from Goulburn, 80 kilometres from Queanbeyan or Braidwood and just over an hour to Nowra and the south coast.

The school was established in 1880 and is central to the to the broader Windellama community. Windellama Public School is well supported by a strong, active and involved Parents and Citizens Association. The school is extremely well resourced with an excellent library, variety of technology devices including robotics equipment and outdoor facilities including a multipurpose surfaced court and environmental education spaces.

There is a highly motivated and dedicated staff who share a strong commitment to quality teaching and learning. Parents and staff work together to enhance the learning experiences of all students. There is a family atmosphere at the school with regular parent and community involvement.

Windellema Public School is an active member of the Tablelands Rural Education Community (TREC) and works with the Learning Community to ensure students access a broad range of extra curricula activities ensuring students enrich their social learning experiences. 

02 48445130
02 48445265
Windellama Rd
New South Wales
Windellama Rd
