Westport Public School

School / Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago

Westport Public School, on Birpai Country, was established in 1970 and was the second public primary school in Port Macquarie. The school receives significant equity loadings for socio-economic status (FOEI 155), Aboriginal background and students with disabilities. Currently there are 433 enrolments with sixteen mainstream classes and three Multi-categorical Classes. A strong collegial partnership exists between Westport Public School and the Hastings Valley Community of Schools - HVCS.

Students are inclusive, understanding and supportive of each other. Academic and welfare programs cater for all students' needs and interests. Our students understand that we are Learners who are Respectful and Safe – our Westport school values.

The P&C provides financial support and creates opportunities for students to participate in activities that build strong and purposeful relationships and positive school spirit.

A strong partnership exists with the Aboriginal Education Consultative Group – AECG – allowing the school to propose cultural activities that connect all students and the Aboriginal community in respectful and significant ways. Approximately 30% of our students proudly identify as Aboriginal.

The school will continue to grow and strengthen its commitment to positive community connections for all students and families.

02 65832944
02 65834809
Widderson St
Port Macquarie
New South Wales
PO Box 5722
