Warren Central School

School / Last updated 4 years, 7 months ago

Warren Central School caters to the learning needs of approximately 205 students from Kindergarten to Year 12. It is located 120km north-west of Dubbo and is a member of the Mitchell Network. Students are drawn from the township itself and Nevertire as well as from rural properties in the surrounding district. Approximately 45 per cent of students identify as being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent and the school has a small but active Parents & Citizens Association which provides ongoing support to the school through fundraising, uniform sales and canteen facilities. Warren Central School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning school and participates in the Early Action for Success initiative. Warren Central School plays a significant role in many local events with our infrastructure and resources being utilised by the wider community on a frequent basis.

02 68474438
02 68474419
63 Chester St
New South Wales
63 Chester St
