Warners Bay Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago

Warners Bay Public School (437 enrolments, including 27 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander) is situated on the eastern side of Lake Macquarie. For 2020, we will have 20 classes, including two multi-categorical support classes and a class for students with emotional disturbances. Our staff are a dedicated team of professionals who collaborate to achieve excellent results for all students. Focus areas for the school are literacy and numeracy. The school utilises Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) to ensure consistent behaviour expectations across the school. The school community highly values extra-curricular activities, including dance, drumming, guitar, gymnastics and aerobics. Warners Bay Public School is a proud member of the Bay Community of Schools and the Kumaridha AECG. We have a supportive Parents and Citizens Association ( P & C) who actively contribute to the school. 

02 49488129
02 49471427
Augusta St
Warners Bay
New South Wales
88 Mills St
