Waratah West Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago

Waratah West Public School, located 10km from the Newcastle city centre, has a small, diverse population of 84 students and a strong collaborative partnership between school and community. The school has 4 mainstream classes and will establish it's first support class (Multi Categorical) in 2021. The school draws students from a broad spectrum of the community. 43% of students come from the lowest 25% of the socio-economic community and 47% of students are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

Waratah West Public School places a strong emphasis on quality teaching in literacy and numeracy as well as developing the whole student through collaborative and collegial teaching practices that develop the academic, social and emotional wellbeing of all students. The school has high expectations for every student and a commitment to engendering a genuine love of learning. The school receives equity funding to support students from Aboriginal backgrounds and for students from low socio-economic communities and is supported under the Early Action for Success program. Students in the support unit will enjoy programs that promote strong integration and inclusion with the mainstream cohort.

This position is for a Multi Categorical Class. 

Leonora Pde
Waratah West
New South Wales
Leonora Pde
Waratah West, New South Wales, Australia
