Wanaaring Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago

Wanaaring Public School is located on the western border of the Bourke Shire.  The school is 200km west of Bourke along the Paroo River on the Upper Western Plains of NSW. The school provides a highly personalised learning environment to 10 students who are studying from Year 1 to Year 6. Seventy percent of our students identify as being Aboriginal and the school strives to embrace the local Barkindj culture. Wanaaring Public School is an active member of the Mitchell Principal Network and staff professionally collaborate across the Network. The school is well respected within the local community and has developed strong community partnerships. It delivers quality teaching and learning programs in a creative environment, with specific focus on improving student outcomes in literacy, numeracy and engagement. Students have access to a broad range of activities and resources including cultural, STEM, performing arts, leadership, sporting, environmental and sustainability.

For further information please refer to the Annual Report, School Plan and the school’s Website at

02 68747769
02 68747713
Bourke Rd
New South Wales
Bourke Rd
