Vardys Road Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago

Vardys Road Public School is located in the Kings Langley area. The school comprises 22 classes, K–6 with an enrolment of 530 students, 0.5% Indigenous with student–centred staff, a supportive community and engaged students. The school strives to deliver innovative, purposeful, challenging and meaningful, evidence–informed programs that enrich and inspire the students and inform and involve the community. We pride ourselves on meeting the needs of all students in a caring and positive environment, where every child is known, respected, supported and challenged, so as to develop creative and critically thinking, life-long learners. A committed, collaborative and dedicated teaching staff offer a range of extracurricular activities, including dance groups, choir, drama, string ensemble, recorder, ukulele and drumming groups. High Potential and Gifted groups for mathematics, technology and writing; public speaking and debating teams; as well as a variety of sporting opportunities; provide further extension opportunities. Vardys Road Public School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning school with a committed school community promoting quality education and high academic outcomes. Strong parent participation supports a staff with a mix of experienced and early career teachers.

02 96243144
02 98387048
Vardys Rd
Seven Hills
New South Wales
20 Vardys Rd
