Tirranna Public School

School / Last updated 3 years, 2 months ago

Tirranna Public School is a small rural school located seven minutes outside Goulburn. The school site overlooks surrounding rural farming land, providing the students with a picturesque and natural environment in which to grow and learn. The school receives strong support from the local community. Current enrolment of 9 students, includes approximately 50% from diverse multicultural backgrounds and 35% identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.

The school is part of three professional collaborations including the Goulburn Community of Public Schools (GCoPS), Tablelands Rural Education Community (TREC) and the Bong Bong Executive Network (BEN). Through these collaborations, students are offered a range of curricular and co-curricular opportunities. The school has a strong culture of involvement in sporting pursuits, student leadership and excellence in the performing and creative arts.

The school's wellbeing initiatives include promoting living a healthy and active lifestyle and using the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) model.

The situational analysis identified the need to ensure that the most effective, evidence-based teaching practices are used by all staff and that monitoring of learning is strengthened to ensure that all students demonstrate growth. 

High expectations and aspirations will underpin a strategic and planned approach to wellbeing supporting students to connect, succeed, thrive and learn.

02 48214645
02 48214363
Braidwood Rd
New South Wales
Braidwood Rd
