School / Last updated 3 years, 8 months ago

The Hutchins School is an Anglican day and boarding school for boys from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 all on one campus. Established in 1846, Hutchins has a long tradition of developing men of character with a firm focus on the wellbeing of boys.

Our Vision is to provide an inspirational education where each boy strives to achieve his personal best and is willing to serve his community as an informed and active citizen; locally, nationally and globally. Our Mission is to provide a supportive and learning community that works together to build character of boys.

We undertake a partnership with families to Build Good Men who aspire to be our future leaders and who will continue on to serve their global community.

Situated in Sandy Bay, only 5 kilometres from the Hobart city centre, The Hutchins School offers outstanding facilities including modern classrooms, science and computer laboratories, three libraries, a performing arts centre, multiple sporting grounds, a chapel and the student residence.

Hutchins is a founding-member of the International Boys’ Schools Coalition, a member of the Association of Independent Schools of Tasmania and Round Square. The Headmaster is a member of the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia.

Anna Wodrow
61 3 6221 4200
71 Nelson Rd
Sandy Bay TAS
