The Entrance Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 2 months ago

The Entrance Public School is located on the Central Coast of NSW, and forms part of the Regional North network of schools and is a proud member of the Tuggerah Lakes Learning Community. The school has an enrolment of 490 students consitsing of 19 mainstream classes, an IO/IS class for students with a moderate intellectual delay and a pre–school, which recently attained Exceeding in its latest Assessement and Rating.

The school has a dedicated staff and an excellent reputation for its innovative and differentiated programs for all students. The school has a transient student populationwith a mobility rate of 20%. The school serves a low socio–economic community with 69% of families in the lowest income bracket and approximately 20% of students identifying as Aboriginal. The school has strong links with the local AECG–Kuriwa and promotes cultural acknowledgement of Aboriginal families through special events and specific programs. We celebrate our cultural and community diversity.We are active members of the "Tuggerah Lakes Learning Community", a group of outstanding schools focussed on providing a strong, rich P–12 experience. The schools work together to deliver excellent transition and differentiation.

The school is supported by an active Parents' and Citizens' Association and has developed productive partnerships with local businesses.

The school receives funding for equity programs under the School SBAR. With this funding the school implements major initiatives focusing on improving literacy and numeracy outcomes with a recent focus on Explicit Instruction practices.   Targeted initiatives include Multi Structured Language Education (MSLE) P – 2, Receptive Speech programs, articulation groups and Occupatoional Therapy support.

As an Early Action for Success (Phase 2) school, our Instructional Leaders (K-6) support classroom teachers and interventionists (P-6) to continually assess, track and monitor students, deliver explicit teaching and learning programs and target intervention.

The school has focussed heavily on its Learning Support and Wellbeing with the recent introduction of Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) in 2020 and a focus on classroom expecations for 2021. The school values High Expectations in a Safe, Respectful and Engaged Community.

The school has always shown creativity and intiative when working with its dynamic community.

02 43322154
02 43343202
80 Oakland Ave
The Entrance
New South Wales
80 Oakland Ave
