The Childrens Hospital School

School / Last updated 2 years, 10 months ago

The Hospital School at The Children's Hospital at Westmead is the largest hospital school (with a daily enrolment of over 100 students) of the ten hospital schools in NSW. The specialist teaching and learning staff deliver targeted education programs that empower students in their learning, where they're at through personalisation in both pedagogical delivery and curriculum content. As a centre of expertise for the education of students with chronic illness, The Hospital School at Westmead provides evidence-based proactive and future-focused education to develop and maintain connections with learning.

The Hospital School at Westmead uses specialist knowledge to develop and apply neuroscience to education. We have been looking at evidence-based research, from neurological findings, to develop learning strategies to promote learning in alignment with the way the brain is naturally designed to learn. Our specialist teachers provide opportunities that focus on all students becoming critical and creative thinkers who are known, valued, and cared for, through access to high quality, targeted personalised learning which is adjusted to meet the needs of all students.

The Hospital School provides education for students from K-12, and delivers content in either one of our four flexible, well-resourced learning spaces, by the students' bedside, located on the ward or by connected learning using telepresence technology.

02 98452813
02 98452837
Cnr Hawkesbury Rd & Hainsbury St
New South Wales
Locked Bag 4001
