Sydney Distance Education High School

School / Last updated 4 years, 2 months ago

Sydney Distance Education High School has an enrolment of around 1500 students, including 78 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, with a fulltime equivalent of 151.7 teachers and 21.8 administrative and support staff. Committed to excellence and equity in distance education, we are the largest school provider of flexible blended learning programs in NSW, serving students from areas north of Wollongong, south of Newcastle, and west to the Blue Mountains. Close to the central business district of Sydney, we work on the land of the Traditional Custodians, the Gadigal People of Eora Nation. School Plan priorities include connected teaching and learning to enhance student engagement and personal success with strong academic support through real time teaching; personalised student wellbeing to support the individual needs of every student; and inspiring leadership to strengthen innovative and creative student and staff leadership.

Students who meet specific enrolment requirements attend our school because they are not able to attend another school on a fulltime basis. Our students include those with additional learning and support needs, and we also teach students studying single courses which they are not able to access at their home schools. Students may learn in many ways, using written materials and online technologies.

Engagement with creative, challenging and blended learning opportunities is supplemented by inclusive student wellbeing programs and the school's partnerships with communities, families and other schools. Our high expectations are supported by a caring and nurturing environment with strong commitments to sustainability and social justice. We inspire students to learn and live their dreams and are proud of our students whose courage and commitment is reflected in their determination to do their best.

Our website is for communication, collaboration and the celebration of student achievement, showcasing so much of the spirit and success of our school community. Additional information about the school can be accessed on the school website:

02 93830200
02 93830222
Forbes St
New South Wales
Locked Bag 5000
