The staff at St Philip’s College are dedicated to ensuring that distance is not a disadvantage. We are leading Central Australia in the implementation of innovative, progressive learning environments which enable a teaching and learning approach suited to the needs, academic development and wellbeing of our students.
We have been successfully supporting our passionate educators for decades within one of the most supportive school communities in Australia.
Our staff are surrounded by teaching and learning spaces that fit our unique place in the Outback; as our campus is surrounded by, and connects with, the stunning desert landscape.
Exceptional personal development opportunities are available for all our staff, and this ensures a mutual understanding and partnership with our students and families.
Our student body is diverse, creative, informed and caring, and St Philip’s seeks to attract passionate and innovative staff who will embrace all that we offer.
“St Philip’s is such a welcoming and supportive community. From the moment I moved to Alice Springs to teach I felt safe
and included. Sporting clubs welcomed me right away, and the school’s involvement in Round Square, the Uniting Church and local community projects meant that I made new connections and got opportunities that I never would have anywhere else. I came for a year, and am still here 10 years later, and not looking to go anywhere!” Ms Vicki Hutchinson
“Teaching for me has always been about developing the skills and knowledge to empower students to make informed decisions about their lives. At St Philip’s, I am given the support and flexibility to pursue this both in and outside of the classroom. I love working at St Philip’s because I am inspired daily by our students, encouraged and supported by my colleagues and feel motivated to contribute positively to our wonderful community.” Mr Santino Merino
Our Mission - provide high quality education in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment in Central Australia that inspires lifelong learning and holistic character development.