At the very heart of our commitment to our students and their families is the desire to provide the opportunity for a solid foundation of learning. This foundation incorporates the spiritual, academic, social emotional and physical elements of the individual.
We acknowledge parents as the first educators of their children and seek to develop a mutually beneficial relationship with the parent community. Parent contribution to the life of the school is encouraged and we recognise the support of our families is vital to the future and continuing success of the school in effectively educating our students.
The staff members at St George Preca are each committed to providing a catholic school that meets the aspirations of our community in all aspects of its operations. Our staff appreciate the great privilege and responsibility we have in the primary education of our students. The Principles of Catholic Social Teaching such as the Dignity of the Human Person, the Common Good and the Stewardship of God’s Creation guide the day-to-day interactions, program selection and priorities in this catholic school setting.
We are a community committed to Child Safety and hold that the care, safety and wellbeing of children is a central and fundamental responsibility of Catholic education. We are a community that values individuality and the unique gifts of each member of our school.
I invite you to view our school website, which provides a nice snapshot of what our school offers.