St Bishoy College, Mt Druitt

School / Last updated 3 years, 7 months ago

St Bishoy College is a Kindergarten to Year 12 School, which has been established in Mount Druitt since 2001. The school has a strong Christian foundation, with our aim to provide a holistic education, which strives to enhance the spiritual, intellectual, social, cultural and physical potential of young people. As a College we aim to assist each child to grow up in the fullness of Christ. As a family, we aim to instruct our children in recognition that "Through Christ we can do all things."

Our College Vision-Mission Statement


The College Vision

To provide holistic education which strives to enhance the spiritual, intellectual, social, cultural and physical potential of young people.  The nurturing and development of Disciples of Christ is our focus.

The College Mission Statement

St Bishoy College aims to assist each child to grow and flourish through Christ. As a family we aim to instruct our children in recognition that Striving to excellence and achieving success is attainable through their growth in Christ.


The College Motto

“I can do all things through Christ" Phil 4:13

We believe that the Orthodox family has a unique spirit with a sense of belonging and the College seeks to develop this further. We take up the challenge with the Grace of our Lord Jesus to impart the qualities that will provide a source of strength to each individual, enabling them to take an active and responsible role in society in the spirit of the Holy Bible.

53-59 Methven Street,
Mount Druitt NSW 2770
