Smithfield Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago

Smithfield Public School is in the Fairfield School Area of the Regional South Operational Directorate. It is one of the first national schools established in 1850. There are 675 students enrolled P–6. This includes a preschool, an Opportunity Class, an Early Intervention Unit and 6 classes for students with disabilities. Smithfield Public School also hosts a satellite class from ASPECT,  governing body for people with Autism.

Students come from a diverse range of language backgrounds approximating 84% of the student population. Of these students, 74% have English as another language or dialect, 118 students are refugees with more arriving on a regular basis. The refugees are largely Arabic and Assyrian speakers from Iraq and Syria. Over 30 languages are represented in the school community, with Arabic, Assyrian and Vietnamese being the largest groups. Over the last two years there have been increases in Khmer, Tongan and Samoan speaking students.

The school is supported by a committed Parents and Citizen Association that has revitalised participation and fundraising. There are over 80 school–based personnel including executives, classroom teachers, EAL/D and Learning Support specialists, Community Liaison Officers, school counsellors, School Learning Support Officers, administrative staff and general assistants. Each class is furnished to facilitate future learning pedagogy including effective integration of technology.

02 96045475
02 97255648
O'Connell St
New South Wales
52 Neville St
