Sarah Redfern High School

School / Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago
Sarah Redfern High School (SRHS) is a comprehensive high school in the area of South West Sydney with an enrolment of 618 student including 62% from non-English speaking background and 8% Aboriginal students.
The school has recently undergone transformation in its management and executive structure and has a very successful middle schooling strategy in place. The school has introduced a wide variety of innovative curriculum initiatives across all stages, with significant improvement in student learning outcomes.
The school’s core values are Respect, Responsibility and Learning. SRHS fosters a commitment to implementation of change and teamwork.
The school continues to refine a broad differentiated curriculum, progressive wellbeing practices and quality professional learning to ensure excellence in student outcomes in the middle school and later years.

02 98201566
02 98203050
Pembroke Rd
New South Wales
Pembroke Rd
Minto, New Brunswick, Canada
