Sandy Hollow Public School

School / Last updated 3 years, 10 months ago

Sandy Hollow Public School is a small rural school in the Upper Hunter Valley. Students and staff are committed to creating a positive and caring environment in which to learn and teach. The school provides stimulating learning programs which meet the individual needs of all students. The school curriculum promotes a love of learning and strongly emphasises literacy and numeracy. Sandy Hollow Public School is committed to achieving high quality learning outcomes for its 19 students, including 30% of students who identify as Aboriginal. We recognise the importance of student wellbeing and the impact positive wellbeing has on learning. Building strong foundations and connections and providing a wide variety of opportunities for students to be confident, self-regulated, engaged learners is a priority at Sandy Hollow Public School.

Sandy Hollow Public School motto is – “Learn as we Grow” which is reflected in all facets of school life. We are a member of the Muswellbrook Learning Group and the Upper Hunter Network where we work with a wide range of schools to promote a well-rounded education for all students, utilising a collaborative approach for staff. The position is a teaching principal role, with a teaching component of a multi-age K-6 class.  


The school is a proud member of the Upper Hunter educational network who fosters educational collaboration through learning communities. For further information please refer to the Annual Report, School Plan and the school’s Facebook Page on the school website at

02 65474521
02 65474450
Merriwa Rd
Sandy Hollow
New South Wales
1581 Merriwa Rd
