Sandon Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 3 months ago

Sandon Public School is located in the regional city of Armidale. Sandon Public School has a current enrolment of 253 students.  Thirty percent of students identify as Aboriginal, nineteen percent of students come from a background other than English as a first language, ten percent of students come from a refugee background and twenty percent of students have a disability. The school has two support classes for students with moderate intellectual disability and Autism.


The school has a range of staff, from beginning teachers to staff who have been at the school since it first opened twenty-six years ago. Wellbeing is a priority at Sandon Public School and Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is at the heart of our wellbeing programs.  





02 67723349
02 67729491
Cnr Erskine & Niagra Sts
New South Wales
PO Box 92
