Samuel Gilbert Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago

Samuel Gilbert Public School, Castle Hill is highly regarded for its strong academic focus, positive wellbeing approaches and inclusive relationships. Whole school learning programs and practices reflect quality teaching, strong cognitive engagement strategies and a commitment to students first. The school’s purpose is to support the success of every child and inspire a love of learning. The school’s values are safety, empathy, resilience and respect.

The school is well supported through committed staff, supported parents and a multiple of diverse community partnerships.

Samuel Gilbert Public School values its strong sport and creative arts program. The current enrolment is 756. Major capital works including a new hall, administration block and future focussed classrooms will commence in 2019.

02 96804477
02 96804277
Ridgecrop Rd
Castle Hill
New South Wales
Ridgecrop Rd
