Salt Ash Public School

School / Last updated 3 years, 2 months ago

Salt Ash Public School is a small rural school located in the Port Stephens region with a current enrolment of 89 students, consisting of four stage-based mainstream classes. Through collaboration and innovation, Salt Ash Public School promotes a culture of high expectations, meaningful engagement and continuous improvement. We pride ourselves on our strong sense of community, inclusiveness of all students from kindergarten to year 6 and our family-orientated culture. The student population is inclusive of our growing Aboriginal population of 15% and we are positively supported by our local Youyoong AECG.

Our school implements a range of evidence-based strategies to ensure all our students experience growth and success including Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), Visible Learning, the Writing Initiative and Additive Strategies. Our students are provided with opportunities to participate in many academic, sporting and performing arts programs including PSSA knockouts, gala days, Star Struck, debating, the Premier’s Spelling Bee and the stem.T4L kits.

Our whole school community work together to promote and work towards our three strategic directions of student growth and attainment, wellbeing and engagement and partners in learning.

02 49826251
02 49826045
4 Salt Ash Ave
Salt Ash
New South Wales
4 Salt Ash Ave
