Ryde Secondary College

School / Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago

Ryde Secondary College (Years 7-12) has an enrolment of 1151 students, including 78% students from an EAL/D background. It is a comprehensive high school with an academically selective cohort, an additional class for gifted and talented students, regular classes in each cohort and a support unit. The college has a strong focus on quality teaching, differentiated learning, collaborative teacher professional learning, social justice programs and a creative and positive learning environment. The college has extensive whole school, extracurricular, sporting and community partnership programs. This role would involve the applicant being an active leader in whole school programs, with a strong focus on student learning, and support.

02 98094894
02 98082642
Malvina St
New South Wales
7-13 Malvina St
