Rose Bay Secondary College, Years 7-12, is an inclusive
partially selective, coeducational high school in the eastern suburbs of Sydney
that provides high quality education to students (approx. 1320) from all
religious, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. The school has a focus on
high academic achievement, Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) and quality
teaching in a rich learning environment.
Every student is encouraged to reach their full potential
through participation in an extensive, diverse and flexible curriculum
supported by experienced and dedicated teachers and support staff. The school
has a selective stream as well as a support unit (the Inclusive Education
Faculty) for students with special educational needs.
Curriculum options which include sport, music, dance, drama, film and video production and visual arts are supplemented by an outstanding co-curricular program. This extensive coâcurricular program also caters for diverse student interests such as debating, Duke of Edinburgh, music, Tournament of the Minds and student leadership. Additionally, the college offers Vocational Education and Training options through the provision of Hospitality, Media and Construction. Rose Bay Secondary College is a member of the local and active community of schools working closely with its partner primary schools and enjoys active and supportive parent involvement including the coordination of significant programs such as the Music Ensembles Program, sport and debating. Rose Bay Secondary College expects all students to strive for excellence, demonstrate pride, respect each other, celebrate the college's cultural diversity and take every opportunity available to enjoy their schooling. Find out more through the school website: