Randwick Public School (41% EALD) promotes a culture of high achievement
in all areas. A nurturing, inclusive and academic learning environment is
created for all 960 students who come from diverse cultural and socio-economic
backgrounds. The school has a focus on continuous improvement in the areas of
literacy and numeracy through professional learning, shared practice and data
analysis. The provision of programs for gifted and talented students combined
with learning support assistance and differentiated class teaching programs
ensure individual student learning needs are met. With completion of new
buildings the school is fostering innovative learning environments in flexible
spaces with a 1:1 device strategy and strong collaborative teaching and programming
practices being developed. Extracurricular activities across all learning areas
promote student engagement and are supported by staff with a range of skills in
media, creative and performing arts, STEM, public speaking and sport. Staff are
active participants in range of Professional Learning Communities including
Visible Learning, Positive Behaviour for Learning and Futures Learning. Strong
parent participation supports an enthusiastic and caring staff with a range of
experience. For more information
on our school, please visit: www.randwick-p.schools.nsw.edu.au/
Cowper St
New South Wales
90-96 Cowper St