Primary English Teaching Association of Australia

Professional development / Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago

The Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) has supported Australian primary school educators in the teaching and learning of English and literacies across the curriculum for 40 years.

PETAA works with a network of leading academics, educational and literacy consultants, and exemplary classroom teachers to produce research-based, classroom-focused publications and professional learning.

Partnership projects, such as the 2011 CAL Connect Project: Connecting authors and illustrators with schools via video conferencing, deliver quality teaching and learning programs. PETAA represents the primary education community, working with organisations such as ACARA, AITSL and ESA.

Publications, including A New Grammar Companion, Teaching English Language Learners in Mainstream Classes and a new edition of Grammar and Meaning, support the implementation of the national curriculum.

Primary educators, education students and schools are invited to join. Members receive new PETAA publications, discounts on courses and books, and access to online teaching resources.

Nigel Pearn, President

PO Box 3106
Marrickville Metro
New South Wales
