Prairievale Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago

Prairievale Public School has an enrolment of 452 students with 92% students from a language background other than English. The school has three Support Classes for students with Autism, which will be growing to four in the 2020 school year. Prairievale Public School provides a safe, caring and supportive environment in which the individual is valued and respected. The school’s community represents a wonderfully diverse range of cultures, which include 39 different language backgrounds. School programs emphasise tolerance and understanding. Quality teaching programs provide a comprehensive and balanced curriculum of academic, sporting and cultural experiences for all children in the school. Highly-experienced, dedicated teachers ensure that the high expectations for student results are achieved. Parents form a strong part of our whole-of-school community and are continuously encouraged to participate in the school's life.

Prairievale Public School is a phase 1 Early Action for Success school with two Deputy Principal, Instructional Leaders.

02 96040922
02 97255579
158 Mimosa Rd
Bossley Park
New South Wales
158 Mimosa Rd
