Port Kembla Public School

School / Last updated 5 years ago

Port Kembla Public School has a student population of 280 students, 10% of whom identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander . The school is made up of 11 mainstream classes. Port Kembla Public School implements Positive Behaviour for Learning and our school values are respect, responsibility and resilience.

Currently the teaching staff, consisting of experienced and early career teachers, is committed to improving literacy and numeracy outcomes through the implementation of quality programs, visible learning and embedded formative assessment.

Future directions for Port Kembla Public School include a focus on STEAM and environmental education. Our permaculture garden is proudly maintained by a dedicated group of students and community members and is an integral part of our close allegiance with the Warrawong Community of Schools. The school’s P & C is active and supportive of school initiatives and works closely with teaching and administrative staff.    

02 42741041
02 42762840
18 Gloucester Blvd
Port Kembla
New South Wales
18 Gloucester Blvd
