Pleasant Heights Public School

School / Last updated 2 years, 4 months ago

Pleasant Heights Public School is an inclusive, innovative school with a strong focus on academic excellence and positive wellbeing. In 2022 we have 271 students enrolled in 11 single grade and stage-based classes. The school provides a child-centred learning environment, where teachers and parents set high expectations of success for all students, and work in partnership to support students to fulfil their potential in all areas of learning and life. Parents, carers and the wider community are highly invested in the school, with parents and community members providing strong support for the school through volunteering, fundraising and collaboration with staff members.  

A dedicated, experienced team of school leaders, teachers and support staff work collaboratively to design and implement outstanding teaching and learning programs. Our Strategic Improvement Plan initiatives and activities include the new K-2 curriculum, phonics, high potential and gifted education, student leadership and collaboration. Differentiated learning opportunities informed by the consistent analysis of student learning data ensures that all student needs are catered for in safe, supportive learning environments.

The Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction position is a leadership role dedicated to ensuring that literacy and numeracy knowledge and skills are embedded in curriculum and assessment; high quality teaching practices are enhanced; and the capabilities of middle leaders are strengthened in literacy and numeracy instruction. It shares the broader educational imperatives of the Assistant Principal position but with an explicit focus on the leadership of effective, evidence-based literacy and numeracy teaching and assessment practices for improved student learning outcomes across the curriculum.

The Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction provides high support and guidance to enhance teacher growth and development in literacy and numeracy and strengthens schoolwide instructional capabilities across the curriculum for middle and senior leaders.

02 42846962
02 42844079
Alvan Pde
New South Wales
3 Alvan Pde
