Peninsula Hot Springs

Excursion / Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago

Entering the most fascinating learning environment in Australia, students are instantly engaged – and literally immersed – in the story of the steam and water surrounding them.

Learning programs at Victoria’s first natural mineral spring and day spa centre are unique: no dusty glass displays of fossils and rocks here! The natural thermal mineral water that is at the heart of our science programs originally fell as rain in northern Australia many thousands of years ago. It now bubbles up at 50 degrees celsius through the Selwyn Fault from 647 metres below the surface.

Geothermal systems and geology programs for schools: teach them living geology

In this program students gain an understanding of geology and geography through direct connection with Mother Earth in an all-weather classroom of swirling steam!

Imagine a science classroom where students:

- feel mineral rich thermal waters

- see and identify the stunning colours of various mineral build-up in our geothermal stream

- smell the sulphur of ancient waters

- experience the relaxation qualities of ancient mineral waters

We call it 'living geology'.

Wellness Education Experience for school groups

As part of our community engagement plan, we have created a Wellness Education Experience. The concept is to provide students with the tools to handle the stress of modern day life and have an experience of deep relaxation.

The three key components of the program:

An overview of tools students can use before the signs of illness appear with a focus on preventative maintenance across five areas: diet, exercise, relaxation, breath and positive attitude. Students will learn how to develop a more positive awareness of their bodies and body image, make educated choices around food and learn relaxation techniques to manage current or future stressors in their world.

Bathing in the Bath House with more than 20 bathing experiences including a walking exercise pool, reflexology walk, cave pool, Turkish steam room (Hamam), sauna, cold plunge pools, nature trails and more. These are all part of the cultural experience Peninsula Hot Springs offers.

A 45-minute yoga class using breathing techniques with simple poses that are fun and interesting, helping students cultivate confidence and self-esteem while building strength, stamina and flexibility. Students learn the connection between body and mind together with techniques to alleviate stress, anxiety, and tiredness. The class is designed to help students feel stronger and clearer mentally, physically and emotionally.

The Wellness Education Experience is delivered over 3-4 hours including time for bathing and lunch (BYO or optional picnic packs). The program is flexible to suit your students’ needs, so please feel free to contact us should you require further information.

Contact our Groups Department during office hours on 03 5950 8712 or send an online enquiry.

Springs Ln
