Parramatta East Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago
Parramatta East Public School has a current enrolment of 617 students and serves a diverse school community from over forty-two countries.  This represents 86% of students with a language background other than English.  The school enjoys strong community support and rightly deserves its reputation as an outstanding and sought after public school.  Parramatta East Public School nurtures the development of each individual child, ensuring they have opportunities to achieve personal excellence across the curriculum.  The school is very proud of the variety of extra-curricular programs offered to the students.  These activities include band, recorders, choir, gardening, debating, chess and dance.  Students value a healthy lifestyle and actively participate in a variety of sports.  Well resourced classrooms and facilities are enhanced by the park-like setting which creates a pleasant and welcoming environment for everyone.  Students have access within their classrooms to a variety of technology, including laptops, iPads and 3D printers.  Before and after school care and vacation care during the holidays and on school development days, is available on site.
02 96302127
02 96835942
30 Brabyn St
New South Wales
30 Brabyn St
