Parkview Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 3 months ago

Parkview Public School is located in Leeton, a vibrant rural township (population approximately 11,000) situated within the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area in the Riverina. The school has anticipated 2020 enrolments of 403 students, including 21% Aboriginal students. The school services a low socio-economic community with a strong focus on literacy, numeracy, technology and student welfare. The school offers a broad range of appropriate support programs with dedicated and supportive staff facilitating a wide range of educational, sporting and cultural experiences. Parkview Public School is extremely proud of its positive connections with the local Aboriginal community and the Leeton Aboriginal Education Consultative Group. The school enjoys strong community partnerships with effective consultation processes with students, parents, staff and community members. The school is supported by an extremely dedicated and active Parents and Citizens’ Association. Additional information about Parkview Public School including school plans and annual school reports can be accessed at:

02 69532600
02 69535066
9 Park Ave
New South Wales
9 Park Ave
