Oxley Park Public School has 611 students enrolled P–6. The school motto of 'learning together for the future' underpins our diverse and welcoming school community. Our school is open and inclusive which is reflected by the culturally diverse population of students identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (10%) and language background other than English (40%).
Our dedicated and experienced staff work collaboratively to provide quality teaching and learning in well resourced-learning spaces.
The school is strongly supported by the Early Action for Success program. The school receives extra funds specific to the resource allocation model and are being used to increase staff capacity through targeted teacher and leadership professional learning. The provision of additional learning programs such as Rock and Water, Speech Therapy, Rap 4 Change, Bounce Back, ARTSI and additional support staff across the school supports the needs of the whole child.
The school has a supportive community who take pride in the school and its achievements.
The school has an active P&C that operates the school canteen. The school has strong links with the community, in particular working with Mission Australia. This partnership is continuing to develop with events, playgroup, parent courses and whole school activities. The school supports and engages with a Chaplain to support student wellbeing.
For more information about our school, please visit