Orana Heights Public School

School / Last updated 5 years ago

Orana Heights Public School is located in east Dubbo and has an enrolment of 715 students, including 33% Aboriginal students. The school is committed to promoting quality education in an innovative environment through an effective and responsive curriculum that encourages community involvement.  Staff at Orana Heights Public School are committed to ongoing professional learning and delivering high quality teaching and learning programs to best prepare our students for the future. At Orana Heights Public School staff recognise that collaborative planning as a whole school, and within stages, is key to our success as an inclusive and supportive community of learners. The school is a Positive Behaviour for Learning school which focuses on the values of respect, responsibility and safety. Staff members have high expectations for all students across all aspects of schooling. 

02 68849188
02 68843272
2 Oak St
New South Wales
2 Oak St
