Oakhill Drive Public School is located in Castle Hill. Our current enrolment numbers are at 760 students. 52% of our students are from a language background other than English. The total EAL/D allocation for our school is 0.8. We have a strong alliance with the Cherrybrook community of schools.
Oakhill Drive staff and community are
committed to providing many opportunities for our students to strive to
achieve. Preparing our students for their journey through life and providing
experiences that develop the whole child is what drives our whole school
community. We do this by ensuring that the learning environment is a place
where all students feel safe and are stimulated. Our teachers bring learning to
life, inspiring the imagination and creativity in every student by making
learning relevant, integrating technology, encouraging communication and making
classrooms fun. As well as the academic programs, we offer an exciting and diverse
range of programs such as band, choir, art club, SRC and debating which
develops each student’s interests and talents.