We work to intentionally raise up future leaders. Located in North Brisbane, Northside Christian College is a leader in Christian education, preparing students who will be transformational in their spheres of influence.
We are daily committed to our mission, which is: ‘To make disciples of Jesus Christ, educated and equipped for any future.’
To illustrate the ‘Spirit of Northside,' we look to the Christian values that influence our behaviours and form the College culture.
Faith in Christ is seen as the foundation to life. Each student is provided with the opportunity to understand the teaching of the Scriptures and to become a follower of Jesus Christ in both belief and action. Faith is a way of life that impacts behaviour.
Using National curriculum with a Christian worldview, students are provided with varied opportunities through classroom, co-curricular and pastoral care programs that facilitate and inspire learning now and encourage a desire to continue learning in the future.
Each member of the community is called upon to do their best in all circumstances and to maximise their God-given talents. Our approach to teaching, learning and relationships is characterised by a spirit of excellence.
We value the development of strong character through faith, and value the qualities of honesty, courage, resilience, humility, respect and responsibility.
We are a caring, learning, encouraging, faith-based community focused around students, staff and parents, and extending to grandparents, sister schools and other members of the wider community.
Character through Christ is in the DNA of the College. It's built into every level of the College, aspired to by all, from staff and students to community. We partner with parents and churches to foster authentic faith that is characterised by active love and dedication to the teachings of Christ.