Mount Annan Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago

Mount Annan Public School is located between Camden and Campbelltown, within walking distance to the beautiful Australian Botanic Gardens in Mount Annan. We have an enrolment of 745 students, including 29% from a non-English speaking background and 55 identified Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students. Our school is comprised of 29 mainstream classes and one support class. 


The school’s motto, ‘The Key to the Future’, underpins our core belief that all students have the ability to learn, adapt and be responsible citizens, both now and in their future years. We aim to prepare our students with the skills of critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration within a safe, supportive school environment. 



Our school is committed to continuous improvement and the development of a collaborative school culture. Our dedicated staff hold high expectations for teaching and learning and demonstrate this through commitment to their own professional development. Priority areas include literacy, numeracy, formative assessment, student engagement through future focussed practices and wellbeing. Students are offered opportunities to excel in all areas of their development appropriate to their individual needs. The school creates opportunities for students in the areas of creative and performing arts, public speaking, digital technologies and sport.  



The Parents and Citizens’ Association, and wider school community, work in partnership and regard the school as a happy, productive and industrious educational environment. The school is committed to engaging regularly with the parent community through parent forums and information sessions. We have strong ties with our Community of Schools and work collegially to develop and maintain productive and supportive partnerships. 



The school’s vision ‘Together We Grow’ embodies the notion that we are a learning community committed to working and developing together in order to ensure the greatest outcomes for our students.

More information regarding our school, including our current school plan and annual school report, can be accessed at:


Stenhouse Drive
Mount Annan
New South Wales
Stenhouse Drive
Mount Annan, New South Wales, Australia
