Moruya High School

School / Last updated 2 years, 10 months ago

Moruya High School is an inclusive, comprehensive public high school of some 500 students and 60 teaching staff with a Support Unit which has seven classes. The school has developed a positive behaviour for learning culture based on respect, responsibility and aspiration. Collaborative practice and lifelong learning are the cornerstones of school culture, with both students and teachers supported and encouraged to grow and thrive.

The school offers a diverse curriculum and a broad range of initiatives to meet the needs of all our students. Our significant Aboriginal student population benefit from the school's strong and productive partnership with the Clontarf Academy and a range of community-based cultural and educational initiatives. Students with disabilities and behavioural needs are catered for in our suite of special education facilities and settings.

We have fostered a strong professional learning community with our partner schools, Moruya Public, Broulee Public and Bodalla Public.

Student health, resilience and wellbeing is promoted through the work of our Student Support Officer and the Wellbeing Hub, as well as through a range of school-based programs supporting student fitness, wellbeing and a Positive Behaviour for Learning program. We maintain strong relationships with with a range of health and service providers to meet the needs of our students.

Moruya High School offers numerous opportunities and support for our students, including peer tutoring, Student Representative Council, the Prefect Group and comprehensive transition programs. We promote academic acceleration for gifted students and extracurricular activities in sports and creative and performing arts.

A comprehensive situational analysis has been conducted which led to the development of the 2021-2024 Strategic Improvement Plan, both of which involved consultation with students, staff  and parents.

As a result, of the situational analysis Moruya High School has determined the following Strategic Directions:

  • Student Growth and Attainment
  • Student Engagement and Wellbeing
  • Collaborative and Professional Learning Community

The majority of the school's equity funding will be used to support initiatives developed in the 2021-2024 Strategic Improvement Plan. Some funds will be used to support other activities not embedded in this plan. 

The school is committed to continually improving effective classroom practices with staff professional learning being the key to ensuring this. This learning will ensure that both literacy and numeracy levels can be enhanced through improved data analysis and used to support individualised and differentiated learning.

There will also be a focus on Higher School Certificate performance including staff professional learning around deeper analysis and use of data to develop both individual and group support programs. Each faculty will develop ways of deepening the knowledge base of their students. 


02 44742155
02 44743782
97 Albert St
New South Wales
97 Albert St
